VusionGroup (formerly: SES-imagotag), the global leader in digital solutions for physical commerce, has chosen Fourspot as its agency for content marketing and PR in the German-speaking countries.
VusionGroup consist of six families of solutions, harnessing the full potential of IoT, Cloud, Data, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, at the service of the modernisation of commerce.
Top customer project: cover story in Getränke Zeitung
High-quality content works: We at Fourspot researched and wrote about a top project of our client Bayard Consulting with Radeberger Group in such an engaging way that Getränke Zeitung made it the cover story of its issue 22/2021. In addition, Getränke Zeitung dedicated another page to an interview with Lutz Reiche from our client Bayard Consulting. Fourspot works …
Metro uses its treasure of data for pricing. In an article in Lebensmittel Zeitung, Björn Weber explains how the wholesaler increases sales and profits of its C+C stores by taking price elasticities into account. Metro optimises the shelf price of the C+C stores in eight countries with the price optimisation solution of the specialist Revionics.
With the Retail Optimiser, Fourspot is launching a high-quality trade magazine for decision-makers in retail in the areas of technology, logistics, supplier cooperation, shopfitting and market research. The Retail Optimiser is published in English and in German language. Completely without paywall.
It reports regularly on outstanding projects and innovations that improve customers’ shopping experience and optimise retail processes.
Fieldworks, a retail tech marketing specialist and Fourspot, a German retail marketing and content agency have created a new partnership to provide integrated marketing and lead generation to tech companies that sell to retailers internationally.
Fourspot joins Fieldworks‘ existing partner network, which provides PR, account based marketing and digital marketing and content services to tech companies selling in Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, South Africa and the US.